With over 30 years of experience internationally, Service with a Smile provides a business elevation that is committed to the art and excellence of hospitality and outstanding customer service.
Service with a Smile keeps you at the cutting edge of your competitors.
Service with a smile assists you in several key areas. Our evaluation is tailor-made to meet your specific needs in raising the standards of your service.
Our tailor-made training packages give your managers and employees the tools to make them great ambassadors and service providers for your business
Service with a Smile has been featured in publications including Masterchef UK, Horeca Entree and Misset Horeca.
Celebrity chef Ramon Beuk understood the significance and importance of providing exceptional service in his businesses and the culinary world.
Ramon hired Service with a Smile to help him create the right training for all his frontline employees managers and supervisors demonstrating his commitment to ensuring that all his employees were trained in delivering top-notch service excellence to his customers.
Key Note speaker and Founder of
Service with a smile, Jaki Smith is a motivational speaker who specialises in sharing the importance of delivering excellent customer service within the tourism and hospitality industry where competition is higher than ever and there is no room for complacency in service.